Bigfoot & Cryptids


One of the most popular and well-known of the cryptids. Since the 1967 Patterson-Gimlin film, enthusiasts have been relentlessly searching for evidence of this legendary creature. To date, there has been no scientifically valid evidence for the existence of Bigfoot, yet alleged "proof" continues to be presented online, in the media, and at conventions. 

Bigfoot Knocker

According to Bigfoot enthusiasts, Bigfoot usually "proceeds in silence. Patterned, repetitive knocking sounds, produced with rocks or thick branches hit against other rock or dead trees, are apparently used as long-distance communication or deterrence" (BFRO2019). Bigfoot enthusiasts routinely knock on trees, usually in patterns of three knocks, and wait for a response. Although many claim to receive responses in the form of distant knocks, there have been no cases in which the source of the response could be confirmed as a Bigfoot (or anything else). The most likely explanation is that another human enthusiast responded, mistakenly believing a Bigfoot initiated the first set of knocks. Various items are used to create the tree knocks, including thick tree branches, wood baseball bats, wooden clubs, and axe handles. The examples here include an old axe handle, which has been used extensively throughout Pennsylvania during Bigfoot expeditions - and a novelty club (More of a toy) available from

Bigfoot Cast (Replica)

Bigfoot (replica) cast - Made from original mold from the Bluff Creek print, made famous by the Patterson/Gimlin film. This was a gift from Bigfoot Researcher and friend, Eric Altman.

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