UFOs & Aliens

UFOs / Aliens

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Wooden Owl

There are some UFO enthusiasts that claim owls are somehow connected to UFO sightings and alien encounters. Mike Clellean, author of The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicity and the UFO Abductee, has collected a plethora of first-hand accounts in which owls manifest in the highly charged moments that surround alien contact. This wooden owl was owned by an alleged abductee ("Jim") who claimed it was a gift from his alien abductors. He also claimed it was a "symbol of their promise not to experiment on him anymore". He also claimed that the wooden statue would "hum" (vibrate) and slightly glow whenever other aliens came within a few miles of it. Jim stated it was a safety beacon, informing other alien crews that he was not to be abducted anymore. Kenny acquired the wooden owl after several very long conversations with Jim, who eventually decided he was too old for extraterrestrials to be interested in him anymore. Sadly, Jim passed away in 2019. 

The wooden owl has been in Kenny's office for over a year now, but has yet to hum or glow. The statue does not have any markings. It is not coated in any chemical that would allow it to glow, nor are there any additional materials that would cause it to vibrate. 


This novelty kit contains a small plastic "UFO" that can be thrown like a frisbee and photographed against a landscape background. 

Owl Necklace

This necklace came from a woman (Jeanne) who claimed it was a gift from her alien abductors as compensation for all of the testing they had performed on her. She further claimed that when she would wear it during a full moon, the necklace somehow sent a signal to her alien friends indicating she was ready to be visited again. After several years of no further interaction, Jeanne decided to donate it to Kenny after hearing him during a lecture. 

The Hopkinsville Goblin

On August 21, 1955, a family in Kelly, Kentucky claimed to have encountered and battled (firearms involved) several humanoid creatures over the course of three hours. They were described as "silver with a greenish glow," between 2.5 and 4 feet tall, big head, large pointed ears, claw-like hands, and eyes that glowed yellow. 

Skeptical investigator Joe Nickell looked into the case and determined the most likely solution was a misidentification of an "eagle owl," or Great Horned Owls. The description of the "aliens" closely match that of the owls. 

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