Museum Artifacts

Explore the Mysterious

Museum Artifacts

Here you'll find the main attractions - various objects that are claimed to be haunted in some way or another. They're creepy, spooky, and...well, some look pretty ordinary. Haunted objects are ingrained into our culture - from statues and dolls to jewelry and decorations. You never know what might have a spooky story attached to it.
Even though I don't personally 'believe' in ghosts or haunted objects, I still enjoy the stories that go along with them. The emotional reactions of people who truly believe these objects are haunted, cursed, or possessed...are what truly fascinates me. The power of belief can be a powerful force, causing both tremendous fear and unyielding courage - depending on your situation.
Please note that each of the stories that accompany the objects come directly from the previous owner. In most cases, there is no documentation available. Many of these items were acquired via yard sales, flea markets, and estate sales. Some items were found in antique stores. Still others were dropped off at my 'Skeptical Help Both' which I set up at paranormal conferences by curious or concerned attendees. There's also been more recent acquisitions via social media - Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, etc.
I truly appreciate the amazing stories and personal accounts. As I receive various objects, I write up their stories and place the objects in my little museum. If the items have claims that can be tested, I do just that. You'll see my additional notes in the description. I hope you enjoy your time here. 

The Secret Vault

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